Happily for this column
thirteen classmates have responded sharing their news. And such lots of news! I
am unable to include all I have received, but Doug will carry on for the
Sept/Oct issue. Thanks for your response.
Stuart A. Eisenberg (mlawoffice@aol.com) writes “I still practice with
my daughter, Carol, on a full-time basis, Hobbies include tennis, reading and
grandchildren. 3 children practice law, one is chief value officer for a large
law firm. 12 grandchildren, one at Cornell, been married 57 years. Wish to be
playing baseball but aging has sent me to the tennis court. Enjoy being with
family especially Sunday brunch and at the shore property in Longport, NJ.
Remembers concerts with Pete Seeger and freshman English with Peter Yarrow
L. George Wilson, Ph.D (george_wilson@ncsu.edu) is Professor
Emeritus from the Horticultural Science Dept. North Carolina State
University. “International agricultural
development, travels in over 60 countries, especially Italy where our daughter
currently lives and Honduras to work with Zamorano University.” He is a specialist in postharvest
physiology with USAID
positions in Peru and Washington, D.C. and with USDA/FAS in Bulgaria. 3
children, 5 grandchildren & 2 great grandchildren give George the most
satisfaction these days.
Bruce Miller (BAMCOM@aol.com) lives in Alamo, CA. “Retired 2/1/19 after 57
years in financial planning and investment management as senior partner in
Stark-Miller Financial Benefits Group. Sixth grandchild born to youngest
daughter Tiffany in San Diego. Oldest grandson Devin at Univ. of Nev. Reno.
Still racing in the Historic Auto Racing Series. Enjoyed a call from Larry
Caroucci at Christmas time. Take great pleasure in the letters from Cornell
students who are recipients of the Bruce A. Miller Scholarship Fund.”
Pat McElroy Carlson (readermail@pmcarlson.net) “Still
working on mysteries (recently the entire Maggie Ryan series was reissued -
four of the eight set at an upstate New York campus). Still able to hike the
Buffalo Street hill from downtown to campus, not as fast as in my twenties.
Husband Marvin PhD ‘61 not yet retired from CUNY Theatre Department. Saw
recently a good production of Dan Berrigan’s The Trial of the Catonsville
Nine in NYC Brought back emotions of the Vietnam war struggles at Cornell.”
Therese (Terry) Elzas
Baker-Degler (tessabakdeg@gmail.com) current
nickname Tessa. “Have retired from starting a new Cal State University, San
Marcos since 2002 to spend
the next 12 years traveling with my dear husband Carl who died in 2014. Now
active in Stanford activities. My two sons run a biotech primary investment
firm in NYC Baker Brothers Investments. They and 6 grandchildren live in
Manhattan and summer in the Hamptons. I spent a lot of time with them. Had
surgery for a herniated disc which affected my left leg…now using a cane.”
Enjoys reading, movies, friends and worries about our political situation.
Recalls Thanksgiving vacation with Lynn Rothenburg to NYC and Risley corridor
all going to see West Side Story in NYC.
Lucinda “Cindy” Johnson Pratt
(cindy.pratt@muc.com) writes ”I’m involved in a number of volunteer activities
including Lake MTKA Garden Club: flower arranging & photography on national
level with Garden Club of America. 3 sons & spouses, 5 grandchildren all
here in Minneapolis, sailing: recently raced 3x a week on Lake Minnetonka. My
husband died 9 years ago and I am with a life-long friend now.” Enjoys
activities of grandchildren, friends of 50 years and playing bridge with people
all over the world. Being accepted at Cornell and Freshman orientation are best
days. Best of all, granddaughter Susie Foster
accepted early admission to Cornell in Civil
David Lipsky (db14@cornell.edu)
never really left Cornell. “In January 2019 I retired after spending 50 years
on the Cornell faculty. (I joined the faculty in 1969.) For many years I served
as the Anne Evans Estabrook Professor of Dispute and Resolution in the ILR
School. From 1988 to 1997 I served as dean of the school and from 1996 to 2016
I served as the founding director of the Scheinman Institute on Conflict
Married to Alexandra for 57
years. Were high school sweethearts in Bethlehem, PA. A librarian, she retired
from the Cornell library system.
“I continue to do research;
recently I received a grant from the National Academy of Arbitrators to study
dispute resolution practices in Fortune 1000 corporations. I also maintain a
practice as an arbitrator. Most especially I enjoy spending time with my wife.
The first person I met at Cornell was Bob Zelnick ILR ‘61 who went on to receive
a JD from the University of Virginia and then turned to journalism serving for
many years as a TV correspondent of ABC news…now a professor of broadcast
journalism at Boston University.
Heard from Bill Onorato (wtonorato@aol.com)
who writes “I have been named an Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Energy,
Petroleum and Mining Law and Policy (CEPMLP) of the University of Dundee in
Scotland. It’s the premier such institute in Europe. I go there a few times a
year to both lecture and to help supervise graduate students doing their LLMs
and Ph.Ds.” Bill sends a picture of him in Dundee. “Also this last October I
completed a portion of the Camino de Santiago to the cathedral in Santiago de
Compostela in northern Spain with some old hiking friends.”
Finally, many of our
classmates have sadly lost their spouses, but are carrying on with family being
most important in their lives.
Keep writing your news to Susan Williams Stevens (sastevens61@gmail.com) and DougFuss@dugout.att)